122 players came and played bingo on Saturday August 6th at the Vesper Community Center. Over $500 in cash prizes were given out including $200 to Dawn Harmon of Beloit who won the blackout jackpot round.
Concession stand volunteers served over 150 burgers, cheese cake, root beer floats, ice cream sundaes, cinnamon rolls, loaded nachos popcorn and other treats and just about sold out of everything before the night was out. $5 concession gift certificate door prizes were given out. Winners included a family who drove all the way from Texas and a couple who were having an wedding anniversary, and several lucky winners were drawn from free raffles. Several folks who won free raffles during Thursday farmers markets also stopped by to claim their free burgers and other delicious food.
Concession stand and bingo are run by volunteers to fund raise to maintain the community center and its programs. Laura Huel and Paul Kuchera received a special round of applause for being bingo volunteers for more than 50 years. Volunteers are always needed. To volunteer for bingo and other events, you can use the sign up form on the bingo page of this web site.
Local businesses provide the community center with direct financial support which helps make these volunteer run programs possible. Be sure to thank World Pest Control, Kansas Midwest Homes and Movers, Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed of Sylvan Grove, Seirer’s Clothing, Citizens State Bank & Trust, the Hungry Hunter restaurant, Meyer Tire and Lube, the Bank of Tescott, Strategic Farm Solutions, S&S Auto service and towing, and Bennington State Bank when you patronize these businesses. https://www.vespercc.org/bingo/