There will be a raffle for $850 in cash prizes in Vesper on Saturday December 4th right before bingo ! Tickets and concessions go on sale at 5:30pm and winners for the $100, $250 and $500 cash prizes will be announced at 7pm before Bingo begins. Free live music – Elvis will be performing at …
November 2023 archive
Volunter Clean Up/Prep Day for Mural
Super Big thanks to all the volunteers who brushed and pressure washed the building, scraped the merry go round and prepared a delicious lunch for everyone. All the equipment/tools were loaned by volunteers and a LOT of hard work got done. Thank you Marlin Huehl Jr. and Corey Harlow, Kelly Gourley and Sarah Smith, Linda …
Special Events During Mural Project
A volunteer prep day was scheduled Saturday July 8th from 9am to 2pm to power wash the building and do other clean up tasks. Public viewings and “meet the artist” exhibit events happened this summer during several of the farmers markets. The first “meet the artist” event was at the Farmers Market on Thursday August …
Meet the Artist
The ArtistMr. Miller, who has a B.F.A from Fort Hays State University and a B.A History of Art from the University of Kansas, has participated and won numerous awards at local art exhibitions throughout Kansas and has painted murals in other communities including the “Brush the Bricks” indigenous tribes and the “Dragon and Tiger” murals …
Community Engagement for Mural Design
Community EngagementThrough in person surveys at community center events, artwork ideas have been solicited from the community. A Kansas artist has been chosen, Matt Miller of Hays Kansas to paint a circa 800 square foot mural that will wrap around the 15 to 20 foot high west and south facing metal clad exterior sides of …
Grant Funding Secured for Mural
Grant FundingWhen sources of art funding were sought for the large mural project earlier this year, Kelly Gourley from the Lincoln County Economic Development office suggested that the community center apply for two competitive grant programs offered by the State. Vesper’s applications were very well received, and funding has been awarded from both the Kansas …
Mural to Begin This Summer
Rural Mural Art “In the Wind” to begin this summer in Vesper The Vesper Community Center, an all-volunteer run and staffed organization, is having an outdoor mural series of art scenes painted around the exterior of the facility this summer. After making substantial updates to the interior of the facility, efforts are underway to make …