How about some wholesome family fun this Saturday! Bingo is happening this Saturday, September 4th in Vesper at the Community Center and there will be some delicious take-out and dine-in food too. There will be hot and ready grilled burgers and cheeseburgers, fresh baked cinnamon rolls, baked apple and tri-berry pie, loaded nachos, beverages, ice …
August 2021 archive
Post Rock Community Foundation Information Meeting Tuesday August 24th 7pm
Come learn more about the Post Rock Community and Dane G Hansen Foundations and how these philanthropies can help your community and non profit organizations revitalize, grow and improve people’s lives in Lincoln County. The Post Rock Community Foundation is having a community meeting open to the public next Tuesday August 24th, at 7pm at …
Smoked Walnuts, Cherries and snack mix will available at the next Farmers Markets in Vesper on 8/5
The Farmers Markets happening every Thursday afternoon at 4pm in Vesper (vendors usually stay until 6pm unless they sell out) are offering a greater selection of produce as gardens in Lincoln begin to produce and there will be some really delicious . Last week there were tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, onions, okra, canteloupe, squash, pies, …