Post Rock Community Foundation Information Meeting Tuesday August 24th 7pm

Come learn more about the Post Rock Community and Dane G Hansen Foundations and how these philanthropies can help your community and non profit organizations revitalize, grow and improve people’s lives in Lincoln County. The Post Rock Community Foundation is having a community meeting open to the public next Tuesday August 24th, at 7pm at the Vesper Community Center. Meet representatives from these philanthropies, learn about grant opportunities, and hear from organizations who have received grants. The Post Rock Community Foundation and Dane G Hansen Foundations provide tens of thousands of dollars in grants each year to non profit organizations, scholarship, schools, rural hospitals and other community efforts throughout Lincoln County. The Vesper Community Center facility has undergone major renovations and improvements over the years with capital upgrade grants from these generous philanthropies. Come to the meeting and learn about how these philanthropies have made a big difference in Vesper and throughout the County and how these philanthropies are interested in hearing from your organizations too !

Post Rock Community Foundation Website:

Dane G Hansen Foundation Website: