SUPER BIG THANK YOU to the Lincoln County Commission and the Lincoln County WEB Fund Committee for providing a grant to purchase a commercial grade large capacity POPCORN MACHINE for the Vesper Community Center. Beginning with the next Bingo, there be hot, fresh healthy popcorn available as a sold concession to support the community purposes of the center. Selling $1 bags of popcorn generates 4 to 5 times as much fundraising to support the community purposes of the center than a less healthier bag of chips or candy bar The hundreds of dollars a year in extra income will go a long way to keep the community center going. The machine will also be available as a rental option for weddings, parties and other meeting rentals of the center. The Community Center is supported by grants, sponsorships, donations from individuals and fundraising events like Bingo put on by volunteers, and facility rentals. Some of the grants received in recent years include funding from the Lincoln County Council on Aging, Post Rock Community Foundation (PCRF), and WEB fund for brand new entrance and exit doors, new tables and chairs paid for by the WEB fund, an updated HVAC/electrical paid by the PCRF, emergency exit and and plumbing upgrades paid for the WEB fund and PCRF. Major facility updates were funded by a bequest from the Glenn H Mueller, and numerous other improvements have been made with the financial support of members, individual donors, and business sponsors.